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Roche Cobas b 123

POC Blood gas analyzer

  • The cobas b 123 POC system is a mobile, cartridge-based, critical care blood gas and electrolytes analyser designed for POC blood gas testing.

  • With flexible configurations and throughput of up to 30 samples per hour, the cobas b 123 POC system can be easily adapted to clinical needs in ICU, ER, NICU, OR, dialysis units and laboratory settings

  • The complete cobas b 123 POC parameter panel includes pH, pCO2, pO2, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-, Hct, Glu, Lac, tHb, SO2, O2Hb, HHb, COHb, MetHb, and bilirubin (tBilirubin) as well as a wide range calculated parameters

  • Flexibility and adaptability enable clinically relevant and rational testing in a healthcare facility.

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